“Maciek Nabrdalik is a true visionary. He sees to the heart of the matter. He takes reality and turns it around, creating something new, a space of freedom and light. There are memories, emotions, tragedies that emerge out of darkness, there is beauty, love and hope in the face of defiance and despair. One thing is clear though: There is always pain. I am glad that we have Maciek to bear witness, as a humanist and a storyteller.”—Georg Diez, Der Spiegel
“Intimate, powerful stories of what it’s like to be non-straight in a country so deeply bound to traditional Catholicism. In the Pope Francis era when we—especially in the West—hear so much about growing acceptance in the church of gay people, such a book is important for perspective.”—Michelle Boorstein, religion reporter at the Washington Post
Maciek Nabrdalik is an award-winning Warsaw-based documentary photographer and a member of the VII Photo Agency. His work has been published in Smithsonian, L’Espresso, Stern, Newsweek, and the New York Times. He was a 2016–2017 Nieman Fellow at Harvard University
Graphis Design Annual 2019, Silver Award | July 11, 2018
The Guardian | Jan 15, 2018
Cheese Konbini | Jan. 2018
Vice | Dec 19, 2017
Reviews by Amos Lassen | Dec 8, 2017
Hunger | Dec 7, 2017
Windy City Times | Nov 20, 2017
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